…since Plastic Duck’s real life identity seems to be revealed by himself, if now Prokofy Neva is going to sue him for stalking. Well, we’re going to see…
Jahr: 2007
Another critical article about SL
Mario Sixtus, a well known German freelancing journalist, wrote a very critical article about Second Life and the hype around it in his blog. Translated it’s called somewhat like „My ultimately last words about Second Life“.
His message is basically this: modern web platforms have reached today an abstract level, that constantly refuses to be compared with RL equivalencies. Journalists actually have to learn something new if they want to write about those services.
On the other side there’s Second Life: nice, colorful pictures, you can actually show nice movies of the world in your articles, no need anymore to show boring sequences with someone just hacking onto his keyboard, and, oh, look, how convenient, it’s all about sex, so let’s write about it! Ah, a millionaire already? Let’s write about it!
It’s also no wonder, according to Sixtus, that the industry is hailing SL as it’s saviour, since old strategies did not work very well in the WWW and you actually have to learn something new.
In Second Life it’s just like in the good old times[tm]: making ads, opening branches, having nice launches and so on and on… and even better, this time you’ve got the press on YOUR side! Amazing!
Sixtus‘ conclusion is: Second Life is not the internet, it’s a biotop, a bubble for people who fear the future. So it’s target group is for people who still think in terms of the old century; it’s basically the past, but not the future.
It’s nice to have dreams…
…like the CTO of Lindenlabs who dreams of an infrastructure that can support 10 millions of concurrent logins or like the CEO of Lindenlabs who dreams of 1.5 billion people online in Second Life or virtual worlds (the statement is in the current Avastar) but at the moment I and most other people would be very glad already when SL would scale better when more than 30.000 people are online at the same time.
This seems to be the magic number at the moment after which SL goes haywire.
Another whitepaper about Second Life
The scientific service of the German Federal Parliament has published a small whitepaper (just two pages) about what Second Life is in a nutsthell. The PDF is in German only, of course, but if you’re interested, you might want to give it a read.
About Twitter, the newest hype in town
There’s a new hype in the town called „Web 2.0“ hype – it’s being called Twitter. What it is about?
To cite themself:
A global community of friends and strangers answering one simple question: What are you doing? Answer on your phone, IM, or right here on the web!
So it’s basically about you telling the rest of the world what you’re doing right now in your pitiful life. Not more or less, period.
Frankly said: why should I care about that rubbish at all? I value my privacy and for sure I am not going to tell the whole Internet what I am doing right now, where it still can be found after years and forever!
For an example, how this might look like, just follow this link. So it’s basically a very stripped down form of a diary with some community features around it. Period. Boooring…