How not to do a first talk

We are all sometimes in a situation, where you want to get to now a new person on the block and try to get into a conversation with him or her. Some don’t have a big imagination and are using always more or less the same lines, which gets very boring and they’re not good, either. It’s just typical like the old line "ASL please" from IRC (Age, Sex, Language).

So, how should you not try to do a first talk? A typical talk could go like this:

  1. "Hi!" or "Hello!" – nothing against that.
  2. "Where are you from?" Well, is this Second Life or something else? At least I don’t want to share with all parts of my real life, so normally this is something you should ask later perhaps, when you know the avatar a little bit better. Rule of thumb is for me: if it’s not in the profile of the avatar, don’t ask.
  3. "How old are you?" Even more worse. We are in Second Life, not real life, I cannot stress that enough, and why should my or your RL age matter from the beginning to somebody else? This is just wrong, wrong, wrong.
  4. "Are you really a male/female?" If you should really ask that one, you’ve lost it there completely. That’s the worst thing you could ask on a first chat ever.
  5. "Are you solo?" Well, this is ok to ask in Second Life, if someone hasn’t something like that in his/her profile. You still shouldn’t do it on first talk ever since this gives the other side just the impression you’re after a fast lay or bf/gf. It’s wrong to ask this about the real life in first talk ever. If you want to ask it, do it better after a few dates; the better way is just to read the profile of the avatar. Most avatars have a statement there somewhere if they are taken or not.
  6. "Wonna fuck/have some fun?" Unless you’re visiting a swinger club or sex club that’s also one of the dumbest things you could ask in normal places. Better just don’t do it.
  7. "You’re beautiful." Arg. Also a very worse pickup line. Face it: almost 99.9% of all the avatars in Second Life are beautiful. Why? Because it’s easy and because most like it to be that way! So telling someone already at the beginning that (s)he is beautiful is really ridiculous since normally all other avatars around are, too.
  8. "You’re a good dancer." Also arg. Have you ever, ever seen a bad dancer in Second Life? Have you? I for myself haven’t and it’s no wonder why: most dances are packed into poseballs and of course looking good. And since you’re seeing in 80% of the places always 80% the same pose balls, there are no bad dancers in Second Life. We’re always good dancers there.
  9. "I need 10 L$ to buy myself something." If you want money, don’t ask people for it you don’t know, get the money yourself. Either camp somewhere on a dancing pad, just buy it or do some work to get some money.
  10. Befriending someone on first conversation. Just don’t do it. This normally goes wrong. Many ppl tend to clear their friends list from time to time and why should I keep up with somebody I don’t really know? And if I try to befriend someone on first sight I don’t really know him.
So, since those are the things you shouldn’t do, what could you do in a first conversation? Be nice. Listen exactly to what the other avatar says. Read his profile. If there’s a topic you can talk about, too, you could start the conversation on that matter. Don’t behave like a lust ridden avatar that has "I JUST WANT A FAST FUCK" written all over his face. Try to write in good sentences. Observe, what the other avatar likes/dislikes.
Well, just the normal, typical rules how to start something, it’s not hard to act upon them.

What’s the next big thing?

 Now with the integration of voice in the main client some weeks ago already I wonder what the next big thing is going to be in the development of Second Life.

I mean, using voice is not for all and it’s always bringing RL into the game and such, so whta is the next thing going to be when you take in account that LL is making most money with land sales and so on?

I guess those are things that are going to happen sooner or later or might happen:

  • Integration of Windlight into the main viewer. It’s been in the internal builds for a really long time already, with Lindens always showing pictures of it.
  • Integration of a newer Havok physics engine. People have been waiting for it since years, this is for sure going to happen sooner or later. If it happens, this is going to enable for example vehicles consisting of more than 31 prims.
  • The migration of the LSL engine to Mono. This is going to make the running of scripts on the server much more faster than today.
  • A better mesh for the avatars. The avatars as they are available today show their age compared to other game engines, so a better mesh for the avatar shape would be quite refreshing.
  • Better interfaces for integration with 3rd party tools, perhaps a stable API, too.
  • The possibility to backup stuff from the grid on your own server. There are some little ways to do it so far, but all are still quite hard to handle and not for the non experienced user.
  • More and better localized versions of the client.

Just another idea: gender verification

Just another idea I got in my kitchen: when there’s going to be age verfication and with all the data needed to make it, why not also make voluntary gender verification in it, too? 

Meaning: showing a sign in the avatar, if the player behind it is real female or not. I guess, some would really appreciate such a thing and on a voluntary base it should be possible to make it.