Ajaxlife, the web based SL chat client, has gone opensource and is available here. While it’s serving its purpose and working, I dislike the fact that it is being implemented in Mono, because due to libsecondlife. If it would be running under another programming language, there would be no need for a sandbox and it would take much less memory on a server, but then again we are all free to do better. 🙂
Dudeism – the answer for everything
Dudeism – the answer for everything. Interesting church…
Interesting profiles #4
Also a way to make Lindens:
drop really expensive inventory items below.
Thank you in advance for all your things!
Vista support nearly ready
It seems the Vista support of Second Life is nearly ready and well. Well, quite a good thing for all the people out there who are using that operating system.
Oh, and while we are talking about Vista: the CEO of Acer, Gianfranci Lanci, is disappointed with Vista. He’s telling that the expectations they had with the launch of Vista have not met at all. On the contrary, many customers of Acer are asking for Windows XP instead, especially in the business field. One of the main problems according to Lanci has been that Vista was still not 100% stable at its launch and he doesn’t expect that to change in the rest of 2007 at all.
Strange teleports
I teleported today onto the Phat Cat’s dancefloor. Well, strangely it happened that I was teleported under the dancefloor, take a look at this picture here:
It seems that Dilbert Dilweg really wants to get rid of his club fast, the price for it already went down to 800.000 L$ or 3.000 U$. Why he’s selling it? Because he’s moving in with his love and having much less time for SL, then. Quite easy.