Quote of the day

Just something that happened on a public group channel in Second Life today:

[2007/10/04 14:07] Dreamland ACS: there have been serious problems with last upgrade .. already done 2 rolling restarts of all sims
[2007/10/04 14:07] Dreamland ACS: the entire grid has more lag and slow rezzing
[2007/10/04 14:07] Stevie Superior: Welcome to the Land of Lindens!
[2007/10/04 14:09] Dreamland ACS: it never fails .. new upgrade .. more problems .. lower performance
[2007/10/04 14:09] Keila Forager: yeah, but I haven’t upgraded yet…LOL

Nifty, right?

Unusual rolling restart

The rollling restart today has been very unusual and a royal pain in the ass. Sims have been offline longer than usual, asset server is working slowly or not at all and teleport hiccups have been there, too.

All in all something we all don’t really need, I am glad when it’s finally over.

[Update]: There’s now a new blog entry by Neuro Linden (yes, a new one) about what happened and went wrong with the last update. Basically two things, first some errors in the way they made the new "aggressive" update (and Thursday is going to be another rolling update, but using the old system) and second an error with two VPN servers. So we are going to see what the next rolling update is going to bring us. Yeah!

Quote of the day

Hamlet Linden once goaded me and goaded me to try to ask me if I had any regrets. Did I wish I hadn’t been so critical? So radical? So like "Noam Chomsky"? But that’s all fake. I’m a normal, common sense person speaking normally about something that isn’t normal lol. THAT’s the problem. I am completely puzzled as I have no regrets.

Prokofy Neva on himself

Havok 4 going beta

Havok 4 (now belongs to Intel), the recent version of the physics engine Second Life uses, is going into beta test. This is something many people have been waiting for one or two years.

This is first going to be a change under the hood; Lindenlab expects a more reliable SL experience out of it. So you should not expect big changes in the beginning.

Later this could lead perhaps to better prims per vehicle, since many ppl awaited this feature for long. We are going to see.