This is about a place called „Sinner’s Paradise“ in the region called Wales. It’s a private island with two adjacent regions – Wales and Wales harbor.
It’s a very nice and romantic spot, great landscape, many different places to enjoy and discover. Short: one of the better sex places in SL, and quite a popular one, too.
But what comes, when you are successful in SL? Right, griefers. They had their own share of griefer attacks and tuned down all bells and whistles now to get rid of them.
But what also comes? Well, of course much traffic. Sinner’s Paradise has no money paying chairs whatsoever, it generates the traffic on its own. Good for the place and also for the store. But, there was a big problem in earlier times: the entrance area, where all people landed, was way too small. So it god crowded very fast and the people were bound to move on.
So what did the owners of Sinner’s Paradise do? Right: they upgraded the size of the entrance area, they added much more space to it. Sounds like a good idea? At the first look: yes. At the second look: hell, no!
Please click on this thumbnail to get the big picture:
. This photograph was taken today by myself, in the region of Wales were at this time 98 avatars online, in the region of Wales harbor about 29.
So… this shows: traffic goes there over quality at the moment. The entrance area is way too much crowded, no one looking after the people, if they are nude or not – some just prefer to be nude. Some even had actually sex in this entrance, pimps are going around, trying to sell their escort services or escorts on her own.
I konw quite a few people who were one or two months ago frequent visitors of this area, you can call them perhaps an old incrowd of this place. They have filed some complaints to the owners of Sinner’s Paradise now because they find this development bothering and are not satisfied with the place any more.
Or you could also say: if nothing happens, this place is going down the hill and getting less attractice for certain groups of people.