A few things to come in the future in my opinion, sooner or later:
- income tax paid to your national government on virtual earned revenues,
- more CAD tools like now this exporter named Henshin (AutoCAD to SL),
- strict enforcing of this adult flag,
- a 3rd party API to extend the client with plugins like importers, adding client side scripts etc.,
- saving contents with LSL to notecards,
- some sort of external backup,
- regulation of the Linden Dollars, perhaps by the Fed, if it becomes popular enough,
- some kind of interests on credits, defined by whomever,
- more law rushing into SL (it has never been out of SL),
- some kind of external grid/corporate grid, well new grids anyway,
- the sale or IPO of Lindenlabs,
- some bridge to existing instant messaging networks like ICQ, MSN or Jabber.