I’m back – well, sorta…

Since I’ve been away for a while from my time, now the time has come to write some new stuff. I just haven’t been much in a writing mood, that’s all, but still many times in Second Life.

Well, what’s the matter, then?

  • Teleports are still as unreliable as ever.
  • The usual avatar still has only the possibility to be member in 25 groups maximum. Way too low… there’s been some effort around to persuade Lindenlab to raise this number, but if it is going to be succesful? We’re going to see.
  • Virtual banks are no longer allowed in Second Life. A good move, especially after the bad example of Ginko Financial.
  • I still don’t see the open sourcing of the official server code, since this is the biggest source for revenue they have. It’s that simple.
  • I still wonder what’s the next big thing is going to be. Now that Havok4 is being tested and WindLight is still in the Beta viewers only, SL leaves much room for improvements.
  • There’s been no really important open source viewer or fork of it, now one year after the opening of the source code. Why not? Because the server is still closed source.

Age verification finally coming to all of us

Age verification is finally going operational. First it’s going to be on a grid wide beta on the main grid, the impact of it is something to be checked out.

It’s unusual that a beta feature is going to be released on the main grid, but in that case it makes sense. I just wonder what took them over 7 months to get that feature ready; it’s something that’s going to make Second Life more corporate friendly in the future, that’s for sure.

Prokofy Neva banned at Metaversed.com

Second Life’s very own Cassandra and most professional ranter, Prokofy Neva, has been banned at 57 Miles weblog Metaversed.com

This is quite interesting and amusing. Why interesting? Because PN and 57 Miles were on real friendly terms, they made together 12 lengthy podcasts named "Second Rant". And now they split apart – and it’s the usual picture, PN got banned on the whole website (if possible, that is).

Of course, another lengthy article by PN about this event on his own blog, nothing so far on Metaversed.com yet. The reasons why? Because PN called one on the group channel of Metaversed to "fuck off", the last podcast was way too critical or so, mostly because PN is not good for his business.

Well – whatever. This is not the last thing we’re going to hear from skipjack Prokofy Neva – just another finished act in the whole drama around this avatar. That’s all.

Group chat still broken

If you’re running a somewhat bigger group (> 1000 members or so) be careful if you want to use group chat. It’s still broken, meaning quite often message B shows up before your message A does. If you are able to use it at all, that is.

And – you still cannot disable chat for all except some moderators, so a group always tends to get "spammy" from time to time. Many people now have a very short fuse if reading messages from a group chat, too. Most times it’s just a waste of time, anyway.

Like Jenny saying "hi", Mike saying "hello", Jenny asking "wanna dance" and so on and on…

Quote of the day

Hamlet Linden once goaded me and goaded me to try to ask me if I had any regrets. Did I wish I hadn’t been so critical? So radical? So like "Noam Chomsky"? But that’s all fake. I’m a normal, common sense person speaking normally about something that isn’t normal lol. THAT’s the problem. I am completely puzzled as I have no regrets.

Prokofy Neva on himself