Erneut möglicher DMCA-Mißbrauch bei Mesh-Bodies, diesmal Belleza

Es gibt erneut einen möglichen Fall des Mißbrauchs des Digital Millenium Copyright Acts (DMCA) gegen ein Modelabel in Second Life, diesmal hat es Belleza getroffen. Das Perfide an dieser US-Gesetzgebung ist es, dass es recht einfach ist, gewisse Behauptungen aufzustellen, aber sehr schwer für den Beschuldigten, diese dann aus der Welt zu schaffen.

Die Nachricht im Originaltext:

The Belleza Team has had a DMCA filed against us regarding the VENUS mesh body. We received the email just a short time ago and are sharing this information with the public ASAP so as to keep you all informed.

We intend to take full action against these FALSE claims. We have reason to suspect the culprits behind it are the same people who have been sending constant harassing and threatening messages on our lives for months now. In addition, they have been terrorizing customers in the store as well as griefing the sim with graphic card crashers. All of these recent events have taken place while Tricky is out of the country on vacation, but rest assured he fully intends to shorten his trip and return home to counter all claims.

Tricky’s work has been copyrighted since day one, and we are completely confident we will have VENUS back up in store as soon as these charges have been thrown out the window. In the meantime, if you haven’t yet purchased VENUS, I would suggest visiting the store ASAP and picking her up – she might be gone for a month or so.

Lawyers have already been contacted and we will pursue this to the full extent of the law, even after the false DMCA has been removed – BELLEZA WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS SORT OF BULLYING.

We thank all of our customers and fellow creators during this time for your support of the brand, and thank you for your faith in our honesty and transparency throughout this process.

The Belleza Team

Tricky, Shyla & Felicity

Was davon stimmt oder nicht, abwarten. Jedenfalls scheint dies inzwischen eine regelmäßige und unschöne Praxis in Second Life in den Bereichen geworden zu sein, wo man noch so richtig Geld machen kann. Meshbodies sind einer davon, ein anderer sind Breedables.

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