Another short thought about devaluing land investments in SL…

Many people are now starting to whine about devaluing their land investments in SL, again. They always tend to do that, e.g. when LL adds land too fast, lowers tier feeds, upfront fees and does other stuff.

Just get one thing into your big skull: owning land in Second Life is not about getting a value. Land is made by the Lindens, as they see fit, you are on their whim there, always, and there is nothing yet to change this. Take it or leave it, but don’t always whine about that. Real estate owners with a good business approach should know better than that.

Lindenlabs had less than 11 million US$ income in 2006

The German Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung is running an interview today with Philip Rosedale. Of course, it’s about Second Life.

Rosedale says that figures which are flowing around, saying that his company had less than 11 million US$ on sales last year, are reasonable. The first quarter ever his company made profit was 4Q 2006 accordings to Rosedale. That’s quite a long time, even for a startup like LL.

Rosedale thinks that one day SL could be bigger than, because of the bigger possibilites in his platform. He said that only about 10% of the accounts are in world on a regular base, that LL has about 130 employees at the moment – adding 20 each quarter at the moment – and he would like to see his company independent over the years. Rosedale is the meaning, that LL should not be sold, there is about 20 million US$ venture capital in the company at the moment, and even if Google or someone else would knock at their door and bid 1.65 billion US$ for a takeover it’s unlikely to happen.