Germans and their Arbeitsamt

There are many Germans in the game. Many of them are looking for a job. So, what would have been a better idea then to found something like a job agency for them? Yes, there is one, called SLArbeitsamt, the homepage is here.

Well, what is an Arbeitsamt? It is the job agency, founded by the government over there. But, it is already called since some years „Agentur für Arbeit“ (Agency for Work), so no more Arbeitsamt anymore.

Whatever, taking a look at this homepage can be quite amusing. Most people looking for work are really young, so to speak; they should first hone their skills, then get to work. Of course, there are the typical jobs like model or escort – but hey, everybody can look good in SL without doing much, so there are masses of them. No wonder about that, but actually there are not soo much vacancies for them as you may think when you read the press about it.

There are also different kind of jobs, too, like a RW company looking for someone to hire in RL, their are looking for event hosts, DJs, hosts, designers, builders and other stuff.

My opinion? If you really want to get a job, it’s perhaps a nice way to get one at the entry level. But that’s all you can expect from them. Better jobs are surely not going to be posted there, they are given away like in RL, too, by reference and the reputation you’ve got in SL.

And it’s always better to look for yourself for a job then taking the service from such kind of agency at all.